Minutes of AGM of the Parish Council Meeting held by a Virtual Meeting on 21st May 2020 at 19.00 as agreed by HM Government under the instruction of the National Association of Local Councils.


Cllr. Richard Stephenson (Chairman)
Cllr. Jeremy Dawson
Cllr. Sue Renner
C.Cllr Robert Reid
Cllr. Richard Hartley
Clerk Rosemary Trollope-Bellew

All Councillors signed the Declaration of Office.

1. Election of Chairman -Cllr Stephenson was proposed by Cllr Hartley, seconded by Cllr Renner.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman – Cllr Dawson was proposed by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr. Hartley.

3. Chairman’s remarks. Cllr Stephenson thanked all present and circulated report.

4. Apologies for absence & reasons given - none

5. Minutes of the last meeting Proposed by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr Renner. All agreed.

6. Financial Matters-

a) Approve the Certificate of Exemption 2019/20 for smaller authorities where the gross income/expenditure did not exceed £25,000.00. Approved by Cllr Stephenson, Seconded by Cllr Hartley. All agreed.
b) Approve the Internal Audit Report 2019/20. Approved by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr Hartley, all agreed.
c) Approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return) for the year ended 31.03.20. It was proposed by Cllr Stephenson and seconded by Cllr Dawson. All agreed.
d) Approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the Annual Return) for the year ended 31.03.20. It was proposed by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr Hartley. All agreed.
e) Approve Internal Auditor- It was approved by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr Dawson that Adrian Childs would be the internal auditor for 2020/21.

a) Payment:-

1. R Trollope-Bellew-annual salary £810.68
2. D Kreutzberger – Smoke alarm £37.00
3. R Trollope-Bellew-stationery £38.50
4. R Harris-community 2x £70.00
5. LALC-subscriptions £136.21
6. BHIB-Council Insurance £425.03
7. B.T-purchase of Manthorpe Kiosk £1.00
8. R Harris-community 5x £175.00
9. Royal British Legion/St Andrews PCC/£325.00 each

LIVES/Air Ambulance/Edenham School/

Willoughby School/St Barnabas Hospice

It was proposed by Cllr Stephenson & seconded by Cllr Hartley that items 1-9 be paid. All agreed.

All the rents have been collected, Vat for 2019/20 has been re-claimed.

7. Parish Property

a) Jasmine Cottage-rent review – nothing to report due to lock-down
b) Playing Field- closure during covid-19 but has since been re-opened and it will be monitored.
c) Noticeboards- Lound in poor condition awaiting to be painted.
d) Bus Shelters-Manthorpe-maintenance during 2020 will commence when able.
e) Defibrillators – training date was placed on hold due virus, both Manthorpe & Toft working.
f) Marquees –nothing to report due to covid-19.
g) Townlands/Allotment-nothing to report due to Covid-19.
h) Street Furniture-maintenance of benches within the parish 2020 when able.

8. Highways

1. Witham Cross Roads – ongoing.
2. Reduce HGV’s using Manthorpe – nothing to report.

9. Planning – nothing to report.

10. Correspondence

  • InvestSK – newsletter
  • LCC-Coronavirus updates
  • SKDC-Virus updates etc
  • Playing Field emails – closure of field during lock-down.
  • LALC-covid19 updates on meetings
  • Letter of thanks to parish councils from Secretary of State-Robert Jenrick MP
  • The rural services network – letter to George Euchice MP
  • LCC -proposed opening of waste recycling centres – Cllr E Pole

11. Reports from Outside Bodies

1. D.Cllr Chris Benn reported

  • SKDC started to hold virtual meetings
  • Consultation on the Cummings site at Stamford has commenced
  • Corvid- 19 virus in South Kesteven has been very low.
  • Council looking at revised budget due to virus.
  • SKDC have been busy helping businesses obtain grants to help survive the virus.

12. Village Concerns

a) Coronavirus – Clerk and councillors forwarded information and contacted residents.
b) Scarecrow Festival – fund raising in aid of NHS, thank you to both residents of the parish for supporting this venture.

13. Any Other Business – None

14. To resolve on whether the Council will move into Closed Session – None

15. Date of Next Meeting – To be resolved at a later date.

Meeting closed 19.35

Public Meeting was held at the end of the AGM and mentioned the following:-

  • Pots holes have been done,
  • Toft welcome sign
  • Thanked Andrew Pennill for all his help