District Councillor      

District Councillor - Cllr Penny Robins   

Email - Penny.Robins@southkesteven.gov.uk 

Mobile - 07964 982095

Some weeks ago, there was a murder on the Wellhead Park in Bourne. Five people have been arrested in connection with the crime. The police have released details on their website: Five arrested as murder investigation launched in Bourne | Lincolnshire Police (lincs.police.uk).

Another crime was committed at our Customer Service Centre at St Peter’s Hill on 16 July. A member of staff was punched by a member of the public who was seeking Housing Advice. Consequently, security will be increased at the Customer Service Centre which is due to be transferred to the Ground Floor of the Picture House offices in October.

Grantham Market Place is due to be completed in mid-August. It would be well worth a visit to Grantham to see the changes that have been made.

In other news, there is still money available in the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. If you know of organisations or projects which might be suitable, please contact me or the Economic Development team led by Nick Hibberd. The Fund has already supported projects across the District including solar panels, community buildings, business improvements and arts projects.  

A meeting took place at Grimsthorpe Castle between LCC and Anglian Water to discuss the reasons for the delay to the water pipeline being built from North Lincolnshire down to Essex. It is the largest water infrastructure project in Europe and is the reason why we see large blue pipes all over the place. Unfortunately, the project has been delayed due to the familiar reasons of Covid, war in Ukraine and inflation. The issue of Ukraine was a particular problem because much of the steel pipework was apparently being sourced from Mariupol.

The project has been re-sequenced which will mean the blue pipes in the South of the District will not be put underground for many months yet.

As the project is due to finish, another is due to begin. A new reservoir is proposed just North of the A52. The site is slightly outside South Kesteven but the pipework to take the water to a treatment works in Peterborough is likely to wend its way across our District and will affect many householders and landowners. A public consultation process is open until 9th August and details can be found on the following website: www.lincsreservoir.co.uk

For those of you who have not heard Mallard Pass Solar scheme has been approved by the Secretary of State, Ed Milliband. Alicia is far from happy as you can imagine and will be looking into all avenues to challenge the decision, with a possibility of a judicial review. If you would like to subscribe to the action group the link is as follows: https://www.mallardpassactiongroup.com/

Many of you will have met our MP Alicia Kearns over the past few months as she has been out knocking on doors in Toft, Manthorpe and many, many others! Her track record over the past four and a half years of getting things done speaks for itself. As our newly elected MP for Rutland and Stamford, in her I know we will have a true community champion. Whether it be protecting what makes our communities so special and our rural way of life or championing our towns and villages, I’m confident she will never miss an opportunity to fight for the people of Rutland, Stamford and the Harborough and South Kesteven villages so do reach out to her if you’re in need of help or support with a serious issue, we will be working together to continue supporting you.

Penny Robins